About MOOC

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About MOOC

Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are online courses that allow participants free access and unrestricted participation in any course of their choice. Besides the conventional modes of teaching such as lectures, videos, and reading material, MOOCs also provide a platform for interactive forums

Potentials of MOOCs

  • Open to anybody in the Worland no prerequisites
  • Completely flexible – student can spend any amount of time, any time that he/ she likes and spread the learning process as long as he/she wants.
  • Involvement of the student with the course in the form of short videos, animations, and simulations, simple quizzes, etc. to inculcate curiosity among the student and let him/her to continue the learning process.
  • Better experience than a simple classroom lecture oriented course because of access to the curated material as well as specifically designed course material.
  • More engagement through discussion forum to learn from each other (cross learning).
  • Lifelong association with people whom you may or may not meet in person
  • Lifelong learning process for everybody – supports career opportunities by diligently planning and taking these required MOOCs from a variety of options available globally at the convenience of learners.


  • Accessibility – Improved the accessibility by keeping time, distance, and domain barriers away in reaching the unreached.
  • Asynchronous learning – Online user centred learning, as learner is at the centre stage and resulted in self-paced learning; not inferior to traditional mode. Sometimes challenging to learners also.
  • Convenience – Facilitative learning in terms of time, resources, repetition, archive, sharing etc.
  • Cost effectiveness – Online free training with no restriction on specialization, qualifications, experience, gender, place etc.
  • Dialogue – Between participants with diversity and different perspectives, enriched learning.
  • Discussion Forum – With peers & experts helped generation of new ideas and concepts, through sharing of inputs, materials resulting in overall group learning.
  • Effective platform – Lead to change in education paradigm by simulation of real classroom situation
  • Hands on experience – Content facilitated hands on experience at their location with online guidance.
  • Interactivity for cross learning – With experts and peers leading to formation of sound knowledge, stimulation of group dynamics; widening of knowledge; networking etc.
  • Enhanced Knowledge, Skills and Attitude – Continuous, systematic, spaced self-learning activities with facilitation from experts resulted in enhanced levels of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude.
  • Multi-disciplinary – Subject neutral learners from different disciplines, with different erspectives enhanced effectiveness.
  • Strengthening of Networking – Embedded mandatory interactive discussion threads and exercises strengthened online relations.
  • Reinforcement of learning – Structured reinforcement included in the content.
  • Optimal use of resources – Many benefited, saving of resources of both trainer and learners (time, money etc.)
  • Technology Enhanced Learning – Short duration and quality videos, video production and editing skills, self-paced learning through small frames, harnessing of internet beyond routine surfing etc., made MOOCs as an effective platform.

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